Urban Renewal is referred primarily to public efforts to invigorate
aging and decaying inner cities, although some suburban communities started
such projects as well. Including massive demolition, innovating poor areas, and
rehabilitation, urban renewal proceeded initially from local and state I feel
it has to usually start off from Neighborhoods. Urban Renewal is good in a way and
benefits some but it can also affect factors in a negative way.
It was remarkable that one simple road through Paris could produce
such outcome.
The Avenue De L'Opera was mainly on how city planners and architects had been doing projects from small towns for a period of time then spreading on it to a large city. The consequence was the fast upward of why many people were unable to sustain this fast transformation and the poor had to move since the area once they had, now cannot be afforded. Often time people think they do no longer belong in the community.
The Avenue De L'Opera was mainly on how city planners and architects had been doing projects from small towns for a period of time then spreading on it to a large city. The consequence was the fast upward of why many people were unable to sustain this fast transformation and the poor had to move since the area once they had, now cannot be afforded. Often time people think they do no longer belong in the community.
In the past I have heard where new places, the neighborhoods, however, experienced a different kind of
transformation. It is like when whites were among those uprooted in a
neighborhood and on the certain lower areas around due to their expansion, to me urban renewal in this context too often meant, as can noted, “Negro
removal.” It is sad that this happens but the struggles in these communities happen this way.